Sumo Logic [Virtual] Eastern US User Group - June 10, 2020 copy | Sumo Logic수모로직
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6월 11, 2020

Sumo Logic [Virtual] Eastern US User Group - June 10, 2020 copy

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Recorded and presented virtually a 1-day event of training and gaining key insights, all levels of Sumo Logic users acquire best practices and learn how to best leverage the Sumo Logic platform in their daily operations.

Recording Contents

Fundamentals - Gain broad knowledge analyzing logs and metrics with the Fundamentals Certification. Get Sumo Logic up and running and learn to do simple filtering, data parsing, and analysis.

Search Mastery - Build on the knowledge gained in Fundamentals to do a more in-depth analysis of logs and metrics. Identify critical events with ease and create the dashboards and alerts necessary to monitor your environment. Prerequisite - Fundamentals.

User Group - Join Sumo Logic, tech leaders, and other savvy Sumo Logic users to learn how to best leverage your Sumo Logic platform!

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Sumo Logic cloud-native SaaS analytics

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